Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Putting things in perspective ...

Firstly can I thank you all for your absolutely lovely comments - really - meant so much to me.  I will answer each of you individually because your kind thoughts and words really made me feel so much better.

I've taken the past couple of days off from packing, went out with some friends yesterday afternoon and have really started to put things in perspective.  My sister is taking my parents to their GP's today; she used to be a nurse on a cancer ward and wants to see the report and get an understanding of the severity (or not) of the situation. We've discussed that it could be pleurisy or even pneumonia - and that worrying about the worst possible situation isn't going to help anyone.  So I'm a more positive Polly today!

So on that note I'd like to share a couple of finds with you today and what I've been doing to avoid thinking ;)

 A blank set of Matryoshka dolls for £2.95 - really nice condition and I'm currently scribbling in pencil on them to flesh out a design.
A cute espresso cup and saucer for 95p - you'll see why I'm buying white crockery next!

I also managed to get Season 3 and 4 of Peep Show for £3.00 - WHOOP :) love that show.

So what am I doing with white crockery at the moment?  I'm scribbling on it.  Here are my first batch of designs:
 Another little espresso cup - the design goes right round it and I'm really pleased with it.  The photo really doesn't do it much justice but the battery in my camera has run out so I'm left with the trusty iphone!
A tea cup with another design on it that is placed around it.

And these are the ones that are now on Etsy:

Be honest - what do you think?  I know they're just doodles and I doubt anyone would want to buy them but for 20c a listing I thought I'd give it a go :)  They're all named after the music I was listening to as I was doodling. 

Well - there you go - a more positive Polly and a more creative Polly.  Going to pop round and see you all later tonight as I'm going to do a bit of tidying first.

OOOH forgot - I also finally got my tattoo started.  After 3 1/2 hours this is the result:

This was just after it was done and before it was wrapped in cling-film.  She's so pretty - I love her!   I've got to go back at the beginning of September to get the colour put in but I'm so pleased already with her :)


  1. on tattoo: ouch.
    on "doodles": love them. am going to check the others out on etsy now.
    on your positive attitude: yay!

  2. Your doodling is wonderful. I especially like the tea cups. I think your doodles would actually like great as tattoos too!

  3. The tea cup is sooo pretty! Is it still available? I can't see it on Etsy... What do you use to paint on them?

  4. Oh Polly I missed this post, just going through my dashboard. I love what you've done the crockery - it looks fantastic, have you had any sales? Great looking tattoo too.

    Hope things are ok in the family x


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